Baby Steps

Last time I wrote, nothing had changed. That’s still true. But I’m making steps forward.

First, I made a batch of cranberry water. It’s 1 cup of 100% cranberry juice ( I get mine from Trader Joe’s) to 7 cups of regular water. Mixed it in a pitcher and drink it throughout the day. I think this link says do drink all 8 cups in a day, but I haven’t been doing that. I figure, some is better than none.

Second, I’ve been going to the gym. Not every day, but about every other. Whenever I feel like watching some TV or reading the newspaper I just go to the gym with my iPad and take a leisurely stroll on the treadmill or ride on the bicycle. The way I see it, I only need to add a little to my [lack of] exercise, so I don’t need to do any kind of intense workout. My hour on the bike burns about 300 calories, and that’s more than nothing.

Finally, tomorrow I’m going back to pilates and Tuesday I start ballet again. I’m also planning to get a locker at the gym so I can use the sauna and shower so I’ll be more likely to go to the gym before/after class. Instead of just on my days off. One of the tips I read on the Depo forums was to sweat it all out. So even if I can’t get a super intense cardio workout in, I can at least sweat out some of my toxins in the sauna and then shower and head to class/work/etc.

I also went to the grocery store today and stocked up on some healthier snacks. No more cookies or soda. I have baby carrots with hummus and edamame.

I have no way of knowing if/when the weight will start coming off. I don’t own a scale and I don’t think I have access to one. Maybe at the gym? But I’m not super concerned with the number. My goals are as follows:

  • I would like for my thighs not to touch when I stand with my feet together
  • I would like to be able to do 5 pull ups
  • I would like to make it through the entire P90X Ab Ripper video without taking a break
  • I would like to fit back into the black skinny jeans I used to wear 3 years ago

We’ll see how it goes.

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